Thursday, October 8, 2009

Has my life resolved to this?

So I just realized how completely geek-y I am sometimes. Okay stop laughing now, I know. It is only Thursday and I am completely wishing the weekend away until Sunday when I can watch the Season Finale of my shows on Lifetime! Drop Dead Diva is such a great show. Then I watch Army Wives. It really doesn't have a lot in common with real Army Wives and only somewhat of an actual concept of the the real Army, but, I love it anyway. So the Season Finale's are this Sunday and I'm thinking YAY can't wait to watch them and AWWWW it's the Season

Homeschooling is going great. Cody is continually surprising me with his intellect. Austin is Austin and that's all I can ask for. He's a handful and sometimes makes it near impossible to complete lessons. Mom tries to take care of him as much as possible, however, with her NMH it's hard on her and inevitably wears her out completely in one day. I was seriously considering just putting him into Paint Valley School District Monday, but, when I talked to Cody about it on Tuesday he started crying and said he didn't want to go. He loves homeschooling. I was shocked and knew it all at the same time.

We are planning a great trip Saturday to King's Island's Hauntfest. We are planning on taking along our dear friend Beatty and his special someone Annie. Hopefully, Karen and Jason will be able to join us as well. We are so excited. We can't wait to ride the Diamondback at night and for our wits to be scared out of us.

Work is slowing down for Eric and that's a scary thought. We had put money back to save for winter's financial hiatus, but, I had to have 6 teeth pulled/cut out so there went our savings account. Seriously it left us with $25 in there. It was awful and I feel incredibly guilty. This winter when we are scrimping and scraping it's gonna be because of me. Yay! We will make it through but hopefully we will win the lottery....ahahaha.

Okay so I'll close with some funny and charming antecdotes from Austin. Funny=When we fake cry to achieve a kiss from him-he calls us "baby". Charming=Today he told me bible and was carrying his children's bible around. How cute is that!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Love Fall!!

Cody's teacher is at it again. Here's the latest poem.

I love fall! Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.
It's burrs on dog's chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a dry crisp sound.
It's green leaves turning.
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's Fall. That's why......
-Author Unknown
Isn't it though? This poem just sums it up. I do love fall. I like the baking and the apple crisps. The smell is out of this world. I love to walk out the front door, coffee in hand, and just smell the leaves and all the fall-y things.
Homeschooling is going great. Cody is top of his class. He scored first in the state and his school on an online game that preps them for the OAT tests. He's never got anything less than 100% and his teacher is still thinking about the advanced learner program for him. All is good. Life is good. I love my husband SOooooooo much. We have really "connected" as of late and it's wonderful to have "that" type of a marriage.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups of Coffee

The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 CUPS OF COFFEE

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the openAreas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee. From under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed. "Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided,"I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The golf balls are the important things - family, children, health,Friends, and Favorite passions - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else --the small stuff.

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued,"there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.The same goes for life.If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,You will never have room for the things that are important to you.

So...Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18.

There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal."Take care of the golf balls first --the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked". It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Cody's teacher sent us this today and it wasn't until I had cried for the better part of the afternoon did I get it, to it's fullest intent.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Homeschooling and so forth

So Monday will mark the start of our third week at school! So far it has been amazing for.....well me. Not so much for Cody and it breaks my heart and is frustrating all at the same time. He is doing AWESOME as far as the work goes. He's gotten 100% on the many (I'm talking like 20-30 tests in two weeks) assessments that we do! He's paying attention and sitting through the day perfectly. However, if you ask him, he hates it. He wants to be around the other children. I completely understand, I just don't know what else to do. I'm terrified to send him back to a b&m school where the same problems from last year will undoubtedly carry over to this year. I'm at my wit's end here.

Here are a couple of pictures of him doing his science experiment.
Working hard on his science experiment!
Measuring very carefully I'm surprised his tongue isn't hanging out.

Tasting the secret formula! Kool-aid with no sugar=pucker power!

So disgusting. I had agreed fully aware of what I was getting myself into that I too would taste it. I was afraid he wouldn't have tasted it otherwise. Now I don't blame him. I thought I would puke. Mom tasted it as well. So disgusting

Sunday, August 9, 2009

nothing like being late

First and foremost, let me say this, my kids did not take to the beach like I thought they would. Austin spazzed everytime we got near the ocean. Cody took until Thursday to come around to it. It was crazy! We had a beautiful condo (thanks Uncle Rob & NeNe) on the 17th floor. This somehow was like a stature thing according to Cody. He kept saying over and over we are only 1 floor from the penthouse! Kids are so funny like that. I'm so glad we decided to go down a day early and stay part of the way. There is no way Austin could have made the whole trip down there.

That being said, Mom and Dad, bought a portable dvd player for the trip with dual screens. However, the second screen was green the whole time. So frustrating. Anyway, we had a blast at Mytle Beach. We stayed on North Beach and although there were a lot of people it wasn't overly crowded. There was plenty of beach room and I didn't spaz about the boys. Austin was okay in the sand and one of the many many pools at the resort. I was so ecstatic when Dad and Eric decided to surprise us and come down Thursday night. I was having fun but I was postively having a blast once Eric got there. Our schedule was as follows:

  1. Wake-up

  2. Go to beach

  3. Go up to the resort eat lunch in condo

  4. Go to beach

  5. Go up to resort get showers and dressed for exploring, dinner, and putt putt

  6. get home late at night and start over

This is what we did pretty much everyday! It was awesome. So much fun to be had and so much was had!

As soon as we got back, we got a new surprise, hence calico kitten named Heidi. She was named as such for the simple fact that she hides at any given notice.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


It's been forever since I last blogged. That's not like me, I usually have alot to say, if not too much.

We had an interesting day yesterday. Yesterday was my little cousin's birthday party. It was supposed to be at a park, but, with the rain they moved it (thankfully). So we are on our way and driving through some torrential downpours. We flip on the Waverly radio stations and they come across with a thunderstorm warning. You know the ones, take shelter, could be hail, blah blah blah. So we drive along and we start looking at the trees and the wind was kickin'. Flip the radio back on (we are in this little town called Idaho), tornado warning in Pike County including towns of Waverly, Piketon, Idaho, blah blah blah. GREAT!!!! We were hydroplaning everywhere and at times couldn't see the hood of the car. We lived. I am so so so afraid of tornadoes but, I remained amazingly calm yesterday.

We got there and everything was okay. It was fun. Pizza, rain, pools, floods, birthday cake, and presents!

We had a huge yard sale a couple of weekends ago and I raised enough money to pay for my hubby's contacts and give me all the vacation money I needed. It was great! I was so glad to get all my vacation money together. I was really nervous that I wouldn't get enough gathered. We should have a good vacation now. Speaking of which, in 7 days!!!! I am going to be packing starting tonight or tomorrow. Just some things not all though.

Well other than that we are working on our boat and our garden and the house. We're boring I know! lol

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Down to 5

As sad as is it is, my last blog was about chickens and this one will be too! Our little town was hit by some pretty ferocious storms Saturday night. We left the house and went to my Grandma's because she has a basement. I'm petrified of tornadoes and that's pretty much what they said we were about to get so we hightailed it out of here. We got there before the storm cut loose and I must say I have never seen hail like that before. It damaged the truck, not real bad or anything, and it damaged Mom and Dad's house with about 20-30 holes in the siding. It also picked up the chicken coop, flipped it, and turned it on it's roof! In the process it killed one of our hens. It was so sad. They are getting so big and yet when she was laying there dead she seemed so tiny. Cody is super upset about it. I mean to the effect that every time we go out the door he says no one mention the chicken. He is totally not realizing he's the only one mentioning it.

Well it's going to get out one way or the other so I might as well just put it out there. My mom is not going to get better. She will always have good days and bad days, but, it will never really be any better than this. That being said, we had a sit down and talked things out and we are just going to stay here forever. We would eventually end up with the house and things one day anyway. We might as well just start living in here too. Therefore, HUGE yard sale soon.

Speaking of yard sales!!! This weekend we accidentally found a community rummage sale that benefited the youth league! Um, hello!!!! They gave you bags and you filled them with whatever you wanted for $1!!! I found a ton of stuff for Cody, nothing for Austin or Eric, and me a few things. I was so excited. I got a Bass sweater with the tags still on it and a brand new pair of swim trunks for Cody! Those two items just by themselves I would have paid over $1 for. Then we stopped at a yard sale on our way home and I hit the jackpot for Mom. I wanted to go back today but I didn't make it there.

The whole house is cleaned and I did 3 loads of laundry today. We went to Giovanni's for supper and then drove around the lake and campgrounds. It was a nice day. I had a splendid day with Eric yesterday and he went fourwheeling today and had a blast. I love him so much. He always knows exactly what to say and do to make me feel better, he always knows how to make me laugh, and he is a wonderful father.

Sorry no pictures again the stinking camera is on the fritz again.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

we are now chicken farmers....yeaaahh

Today started just like any other day. I hit the snooze button twice because somehow that makes me having to get out of bed okay 12 minutes Then I commenced to getting Cody ready for his tedious day at school. Eric called me and said that they had no work and he was on his way (need money)...yay (Eric was coming home). I have missed him terribly the past week and a half. I loved him being on layoff. I didn't love the financial hardship of it but I loved spending all day everyday with him. By everyday, I mean when he wasn't working on something. lol. Anyway so we decide to go do our Mother's Day shopping and some running around town. We made a grocery list, and a list of everything we wanted to do. Suffice it to say it all got done, but, we went to 4 of the 5 places twice, and one of them, three We started off by going to storage to pay this months rent, then we went to gas station. Someone has nicotine issues (that's me). Then we went back home because we forgot his paycheck from last Then we went to the bank and deposited it and paid our rent at the same time. Then we headed to TSC. Okay, this is how this went down. Austin was a little fussy (didn't want to sit in the cart) and Eric takes him towards these heat lamps. Yep it was Chick Days at TSC and we are oohing and ahhing over these baby chickens and baby ducks. And I say (half joking) let's get them a chick. And Eric says okay but you have to call your parents and ask I get out the old cellular and make the call and Mom says okay get So we talk to the sales associate and she says you have to buy 4 to get them to survive. So we decide we'll come back later. She also told us that out of this one tub they were all females and would lay good eggs. So, that's what we do. We leave there and hit up Menard's. Mom wanted hanging baskets and Cathy wanted a bathtub (she got a gift card towards her bath So we leave Menard's and go to the Sprint (it is important that you know that it is 11 am). Oh yeah, by the way, we let Cody skip school today...shame on us. I pay the cell phone bill to the tune of $180. Yeah it was a little behind by the way. That pays the entire bill whatever. Then we decide to go to IHOP. We ate and blah blah...that's all I can say cause it was neither good nor bad. We went to Wal-Mart next and got everything on the list and then some. It wasn't my fault. They had reduced ALOT of their infants and kids clothing to $1. I mean this is summer clothing to people. So I bought a ton of stuff for Austin. They only had 2 shirts left for Cody so I snagged those and I bought Miss Kylie McCoy Hatfield 4 things. Anyway we ran into Jessi and Sophie and hung out a little bit. Then we had to go back to Menards. Mom and Dad called and sent us to buy a screen door for the back porch. The one on there now is a piece of crap that is over 12 years old. So Eric runs in cause Austin fell asleep in line at Wal-Mart. Then we went BACK to TSC and bought these chicks. Eric's Mom said we needed 6. Now why she would tell Eric that I'll never know....she should have known what was going to happen next. Yep you guessed it. We ended up with 6 Oh well, the more the merrier I suppose. So we got the feeder, the feed, the bedding, the chickens, the waterer, and an info sheet on how to raise these chicks. We know for a fact that we got 2 girls no matter what, we're pretty sure the loud one is going to be a rooster. They are cute though. Anyway, so we leave there and go BACK to Menard's for the third time for a tub and a heat lamp (stupid TSC was out). Anyway, we go trekking back in there and when it was all said and done we spent about $80 getting things set up for freakin chickens. So much for saving money this week. lol. Oh well it was worth it, to see Cody THAT happy. We head home.

This whole time I think I receive 5 phone calls from Sprint and a stupid company that keeps calling me about a vehicle warranty....don't have a vehicle in my name STOP calling me. Any vehicle that we do have is SO NOT under warranty anymore...lmao. So we finally make it home and are sitting on the back porch eating supper and my stupid cell phone goes off again and it is sprint again saying that they are going to shut off our phones. It's 7 o'clock now and there is no reason why they haven't posted my payment when I went into the store to pay it and had to pay an extra $5 just because I gave their EMPLOYEES something to do other than talk about employees that were off today. Anyway, I'm mad by now and I call the number back and they told me to call this other number, it's out of service and I'm screaming pay your own phone bill and leave me the hell alone at this So I finally get ahold of someone and it's all I can do to understand him. I'm not convinced that he was even in the United States. Anyway I told him to make the phone calls stop and he says but you just pay a little while ago right and I say Uh NO, that was at 11 o'clock this morning it's now 7 p.m. Plenty of time to post the stupid payment. He says blah blah is that all I can help you with and I say NO as a matter of fact I have blocked all text messages from my phone yet Sprint keeps sending them to me and then when I receive them you guys keep charging me for standard text messaging rates. Block the freaking texts from EVERYONE, not just everyone besides Sprint. Ugh I was so mad. He said they shouldn't charge me for it but if it's on my next bill to call back. Yay!!!!! lol

Anyway so that was how my day was. Very busy and eventful. Did I mention that I am going on the second real vacation in my life this summer? Nope I didn't I just checked. We are going to North Myrtle Beach. We are staying at the Baywatch. I am so excited. Eric and Dad are not going to go. Eric has NO desire to go to a beach. So they are going to work and me and Mom and the boys are going to go with my Aunt Renee, Uncle Rob, and Nathan!!!! I'm soo super stoked. MY mother's day present is going to be a tanning package....can't wait for that. Then at least I will have a honey glow by July. I That also gives me time to lose weight and save up enough money to really enjoy ourselves. WOOOO HOOOO

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Austin's 1st party etc......

So my BABY turned one year old today!!! I'm on a roller coaster of emotions. I'm mostly sad and reminiscent. Last year at this time I was feeding my baby in the hospital from a teeny tiny bottle and holding his little 7 lb. 2 oz. body. He's now in the upwards of 20 lbs. and walking everywhere. He can tell us what a cow and a dog says. He knows what he wants and how he can get it. He climbs and climbs and climbs. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was part monkey.

I practiced all last week to get him to blow out his candles. I had him blowing food, toys, fingers, anything I could get my hands on. It paid off too!! I had to eventually take the candle off the cake BUT he blew out his own candle!!! Yay for him and Isn't it funny how his accomplishment just became my own? All mothers do this and as a teenager that was SO not going to be me yet here I am blogging my story and there it is. I'm something I never wanted to become. lol. So sue me.

So he got a ton of clothes and toys. He was thrilled to be the center of attention as Everyone was so nice to have come. He really enjoyed himself and Talon! Talon is so awesome with Austin. They were playing in the living room and all of the sudden Talon leans over and gives Austin a kiss on the forehead. So adorable!!!

Today I did the Dingus Dingus tradition I mean that my Mom did it to Me, Jake, and I had Eric do it to Cody while I was in Iraq. The tradition is that you give the child a bowl of spaghettio's and let them feed themselves. DISASTER!! It was so funny. Austin didn't use the spoon at all. He decided fingers was better. He dumped his bowl on the tray of his high chair and ate with his fingers. It was hysterical. He had it in his hair, in his ears, up his nose, in his armpits, between his toes, in his belly button and everywhere in general. I even found a noodle down his It was hysterical he thought it was the best thing in the world. He was screaming his fun scream the whole time. Eric and I couldn't stop laughing...still chuckling actually. lol.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

When the bee stings and the dog bites and I'm feeling blue.....

Ahaha that song is so awesome. If you didn't recognize it, it came from the Sound of Music. So cute. Anyway, Austin DID get stung by a wasp today. TWICE!!!! Once by his right eye and then again right under his eye/high cheek bone. He only cried for a couple of minutes and then he was cool. Although really really crabby today. We went and got his birthday cake and gifts today. I think he will be pleased. Wal-Mart just keeps getting further and further on my "I won't shop there again list". They first appeared on my list and have remained on probation for almost 2-3 years, I'd say. The first time was because they took layaway away. The second time was for two times in a row when I scheduled cakes to be picked up they weren't ready. Nothing makes me madder. One way to solve this problem is to make my own cakes but not this year. Maybe next. I doubt it though.

Cody went to the OSU Spring game last weekend. Here's a pic of him there. Had a blast. I didn't go this year. I didn't want to have to deal with an infant in the heat etc.. My very brave sister-in-law took Kylie. I just don't have the nerves for it I guess.

I prayed last night that Eric's incentive check be enough to get us through the next couple of weeks. He was called back to work off of layoff on Monday and that will mess up his checks for awhile so I put in a word with God for it. We got the check and it was $441 more than what we expected!!!! WOOHOO! God works when we work for and through him.

The garden looks good with all this rain we have gotten. We planted (by we I mean Dad) 1 row of onions, 2 rows of potatoes, and 2 rows of green beans so far.

Now to the big thing that has been taken alot of my thoughts and work. Austin (I'm sad to say) is turning 1 on Tuesday. His party is tomorrow. I went and got the decorations and ordered the cake on Wednesday. Cody was at school, he would have been so bored I'm afraid. I hit up the dollar tree for the plates/napkins, and some other decorations. Then I headed over to Wal-Mart. I left Wal-Mart pretty much empty handed. I think I bought a tablecloth there and the rest of the stuff didn't really have anything to do with the party. Then we went to McD's for lunch and my son ate and ate. He had such a big appetite. We left there and then went to Kohl's and meandered around and I don't think I bought a thing. It was really fun even if I did order the wrong cake. I went today and picked it up and was a little disappointed. Mostly in the fact that they put 8 candles on the cake and then wrote Happy 1st birthday Austin....hello did the 1st mean that he was really 8???? Geesh. I'm going to take them off and try to fix the holes I think. It looks ridiculous.

Yesterday I got up and got Cody ready for school and Mom and Dad took him. So that left my morning open. So Austin and I got ready and went up to the Amish store for their anniversary sale and got some awesome deals on our lunch meat. I also got 2 free gifts. A coffee cup and a yard stick. We already have too many coffee cups but you can NEVER have to many yard

I will post pics of Austin's party tomorrow or Monday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Recap of weekends past and future endeavors

This past weekend was such a blast! We started the weekend off on Thursday with all day preparations for food for Saturday! I wanted to make sure that if there was trouble with my jello jelly beans I would have time to fix it. They turned out wonderful and were postively pleasing to the eye in their glass bowl and all! I admittedly had to smack a few hands and keep them OUT of the jelly beans (Eric & Austin=NO NO)

Friday was a day of cleaning and more cooking. We also had to sneak out and get the boys stuff for their Easter baskets! Never again, I tell you, will I leave the house on Good Friday for retrieval of "Easter-y" things! There was positively NOTHING to grasp for my little boys. We finally ended up getting non pastel candies, a tackle box for Cody (loaded with hand picked tackle), and an adorable cow for Austin. Let's discuss this cow. It had no price tag, no price on the shelf! So we find one of those price checker sytem thingy's and it was $15!!! I flip the tag over and it's because it was a webkinz animal! We decided to go ahead and purchase it, it was too cute to pass up. He also got a ball that he couldn't really care less about. He doesn't necessarily like his cow yet either, although, he will give it random kisses from time to time. Cody was THRILLED with the tacklebox however.

Saturday we got up and headed to my sister-in-law's Karen's house. We were meeting there to move onto Marysville. We were, count it, 30 mins early! We even beat Eric's mom and dad there. They were running a little late and Cathy told Garry, ah don't worry about it we'll still beat Eric and Tiff. Ha! lol Little did they know we were EARLY for once! So we got to Marysville and the yard was scattered with Easter eggs and Cody informs us he's making a "mental map"! lol We ate awesome food, talked, hung out, it was a blast. Cody kept calling the sparkling grape juice wine. Thanks to Jake & Derya's wedding and his "wine". It was getting on some peoples nerves because it wasn't "nice" for a 7 year old to be so interested in wine. I say, OH WELL, he likes it and he knows it isn't really wine, he likes to feel like a grown up at any given point in his young life and this is one way that we allow that to happen. While on a cigarette break (with 3 kids outside), I was walking alongside a child that was naming off his colors like a pro. He was only three (at the time, turned 4 today) and he knew every single color. We had a conversation that went as follows:
Me: Augustine, are you excited for the Easter bunny to visit you?
Augustine: There are no Easter bunnies in our world, only real bunnies!
Me: (stunned silence followed with) I see!
Me: Augustine, do you like to hunt for Easter eggs?
Augustine: I DO!

It was the most precious thing ever I think! He looked at me like I was a Duh, why wouldn't he like to hunt for easter So cute. Eric kept saying all the way cute was Augustine and Olive? He was so impressed with their vocabulary and nature. Augustine is a really cute kid. I made him ask his Mom before I would take him outside and he said I'll be back and raced down the stairs to ask. While waiting upstairs for him, Olive says Oh, I'm coming too! And off she raced down the stairs to find her Mommy. SO CUTE!!!

So Saturday we came home and made some homemade rolls and mac n cheese and anything else we could. Jake and Derya came down and helped and spent the night. Austin had a screaming fit and just couldn't not go to sleep so we took him on a ride in the dodge. Jacob said to Derya, yeah we're not having any Then on Sunday.

Sunday we got up early and did what we could to get ready. Everything was going smoothly. Jacob was playing with Austin while I helped cook/clean. He was getting ready for his morning nap and Jake hands him over with a "there's a 22 lb. birth control pill" Apparently my little boy is a Yep, I knew that when he was still in the

Sunday evening we headed up to Karen's house for a celebration dinner up there. HAD A BLAST...we played cards, ate good food, hung out, hunted eggs, made plans, fun, fun fun. Kylie is getting so big and I swear prettier and bigger every time I see her. I try to remember to tell Kylie, this is Aunt Tiffany and I love you....I LOVE being an aunt. It is so much fun and I can't wait until she gets bigger and can say Aunt Tiff I love you....okay maybe I'm jumping the gun a little bit, she's only 3 1/2 months

Monday should have been a day of rest, but, Cody ran out of adderall and that meant a day of wooo how do you even describe that day? Eric hurt the muscles in his upper back and couldn't help his Dad move that day and spent ALL day in bed with muscle relaxers and motrin and cold meds.

Tuesday he was feeling better but not tip top. Today is much better for him. He went mushroom hunting with my parents and the poor things only found 6. He was disappointed but did however find the biggest one. I did laundry=puke puke! That's about all really. Eric is making plans to go to KC raceway this weekend there is a big race and he wants to go. Seeya! lol
On an unrelated note, after he dropped Cody off at school he came home with a single red rose. I said aw Thank you! What is that for? Eric says: Cause I love you! Awww isn't he so sweet.

I realize that by posting that story as I did that it makes it sound like he was buttering me up witht the rose. That was not the case, I don't I'm too tired to reword the above!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

things that make you go hmmmmm

Some things that make me go hmmmm:
1. Why the grocery store did NOT have blue jello?
2. Why Cody came home with an orange dot today?
3. How man time is different than real time?
4. Where time goes?
5. Why I say I'm going to do something and then make the job harder by doing other things directly related to it?
6. How Sunday dinner turns into 3-4 meals all in one?
7. How I can justify paying $2.04 for gas and not have money for "extras" (ie. haircuts, make-up, clothes, shoes, blah blah blah)
8. Why I make lists for everything..hahaha?
9. Why I feel the need to watch the news and then get depressed by what the news is saying?
10. Why I want things and then when I get them I feel overwhelmed by them?

Speaking of #10, have I mentioned that I am 3/4 of the way into enrolling Cody in homeschooling? All I have left to do is get a document notarized and then he's in. I am a little "confused" for lack of a better word. He has been really struggling lately and I think that we are going to have to do another dose change on his medicine (adhd). I say that with a heavy heart. I was hoping that we could get him completely off his medicine soon. I am really stressing out about this. AAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Sorry I felt like I needed to scream and so I typed it??? Less noise?

I went to the grocery today to get all the different types of jello that I needed to make my jello eggs and jelly beans. Sorry Jenny, I lied lol the majority of them will be jelly beans. Anyway, I also got the stuff to make rice crispie's egg treats thingy's. They have a commercial for them. I also picked up plastic eggs to take to Cody's school tomorrow for the easter egg hunt. I bought two packs of 14 plastic eggs. There are 25 kids in his class. Then I picked up a bag of airheads (Cody's fav. candy). There were 25 candies in this bag. I got home and started filling these plastic eggs and got to 24 and guess what? No more Airheads! They ripped me off a whole candy. I was so mad. I was looking for numbers of people to call and everything. I almost cried. I was just so frustrated by that point. So one of the eggs have about 5 hershey kisses in it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

I hate when crap like that happens. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

oh okay

Cody singin his heart out!
Robert & Cody saluting after the recital!
There is literally not a whole lot going on. Cody had his first and probably only school recital last week and I will post a couple of pics. The kids had to dress up like a character out of a disney movie. Cody was a toy soldier from the movie Toy Story. Who would have thunk it?

We are looking forward to Easter weekend! We have a weekend full of fun planned. We are going to a dinner in Marysville Saturday, then on Sunday we are having my family dinner mixed with my Grandma Charlotte's birthday party and then we will leave there around 3 and go to Eric's Mom's house or maybe Karen's house. I can't wait to see everyone! Austin has an outfit already but needs some cute shoes to go with it. Cody has so many polo's and button ups I will probably just pick one of those for him to wear. I, however, need clothes but will probably just pick out an outfit and complain about it on the inside lol.

So as the summer time approaches I have found myself in desperate need of cami's. If anyone finds any that are really cheap please let me know! I would like for them to have the square neck line so I can where them under stuff and my ta-ta's won't be showing as bad! This is something that has never really bothered me before but this year I find myself trying to hide the sista's. Eric isn't exactly thrilled with this, but, I guess I should be flattered that he is still attracted to me? lol

Austin riding the gator

My Mom is getting better. They have her on 2 of the 4 or more meds that she needs. She is actually able to get up and do things around the house now! She is so happy. I have never seen anyone that happy to freakin clean! lol

Cody rocking his new shades!

Well our onions are in the ground if the frost hasn't killed them! We have also had a HUGE problem with the birds "unplanting" them. We hung the pie plates to deter them, but, that only works when the wind

Austin still rockin out in his sleep! Check out those itty bitty fingers!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Circus' and Birthday Parties

We took the boys to the Shriner's Circus the Sunday before last. Cody had a blast and well Austin slept through the whole first half...somehow. This was the first circus that my Mom, Dad, Jacob, myself, Cody & Austin had ever been to. It was so much fun. Eric couldn't be there due to some circumstances. He has already been to a few and wasn't thrilled to go anyway, he said they suck. I, however, thought that it was awesome! Then afterwards we went to Chuck E. Cheese's. The boys did have fun there however, Cody threw a huge fit when we were leaving and I was really upset. We tried to do something really nice and I felt like it was ruined. He did apologize afterward and say that he really had fun and that he was rude. I felt so small after chastising him and you could tell he really felt bad.

So yesterday was Cody's birthday party. He turned 7 on the 26th! I can't believe he is that old already. Seems like just yesterday he was teetering around telling jokes. Now he jumps around and gives weather reports (ie. Daddy today is going to get up to 59 degrees. According to WCHO lol). He is so funny! Anyway he got some really terrific gifts. I cleaned for 4 days trying to keep the house clean and kept up for the party. I noticed that the kitchen floor needed swept again for the FOURTH time right before we lit the candles. Here's a list of his presents that he got.

  • $10-from family friends in Marysville, the first card he received
  • a basketball-from Mom & Dad
  • a helmet (chrome with red/yellow flames), a racing jersey, and racing pants-from Cathy & Garry, Karen & Jason
  • a pair of racing boots, a discman-from Us
  • a pair of goggles for his helmet-from Mom & Dad
  • a $40 gift card to GameStop-from Grandma Charlotte and Papa Neil
  • a new XBOX 360 controller-from NeNe & Uncle Rob, Uncle Brian and Aunt Linda
  • a new racetrack for his hotwheels-from Jake & Derya

I think that is all really. I'm sure I missed something and someone will be upset but that's all I can do for now! lol

I have triumphed over my own fears and enrolled Cody into Ohio Virtual Academy for the 09-10 schoolyear. Where I was certain that this was the right decision before we made it, it is sorta scary now. I have been emailing a lady that lives in Jeffersonville that does it and she has four kids and number five on the way. She has been reassuring me and helping with some of my questions. I feel relieved that it's finally happening yet apprehensive.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hmmm what shall I blog about today? Well yesterday was a day where I actually felt like I got something accomplished. I helped Eric move and stack wood yesterday for hours. Then when we got it all moved and stuff I raked all the leftover bark and tree trimmings up. It was a really great workout. I felt my heart pumping (cardio), I was lifting with my arms, and while I was raking I could feel it pulling on my I had an almost all over body workout. The day before we went on a picnic to the spillway and we walked back to the spillway with the boys and played on the playground for an hour or so, I got my leg workout there. Note to self: When you say Do Not put Austin on that slide he's too little, stick to your guns! Austin HATED the slide, the sand however was another story. His favorite: The swing (go figure)! Anyway, I had fun helping Eric move all that wood and the day before, after our picnic, I helped him paint his flatbed alongside Cody.

Cody: Mommy you're doing MAN's work now!
Me (to self): When did I raise a sexist?
Me (to Cody): Thanks, I think.

Today was pretty productive too. Our bedroom has needed a total cleaning and I did it today. I cleaned out the closet, cleaned off the dressers (aka where we put EVERYTHING), and went through pile after pile of mail, junk mail, and Cody's school papers.

I received an email from a prospective school for Cody next year, my favorite. They are having an informational/enrolling seminar in Washington Court House on Tuesday. We are planning on attending. I really like this school and I have done my research. They have schedules of what a typical 1st graders day is like posted on the website and it pretty much meshes with what I had in mind. So we are definitely thinking that we will at least do a one year trial.

Cody did well returning to school today. The teacher called me first thing this morning and I was like oh crap! She just wanted to make sure that Cody was right and couldn't take his fluoride treatment this morning. I told her to hold off for the next couple of weeks. His scabs are almost all gone but I don't want him to get anymore bleeding. Everytime I talk about his scabs I want to puke in my mouth. The thought of scabs inside your mouth just makes me nauseous. Blah!

I was so happy to have some warm weather lately. Eric got the garden tilled up and wanted to do it one more time before the rains hit but we ran out daylight.

I was watching houseswap this evening (reruns on Lifetime) and there was a professional organizer on. She said that she asks herself three questions:
1. Do I need it?
2. Oh, crap I forget #2
3. Does it make me money?

Good questions! Of course it would help if I knew the second one. I like to add a fourth rule, if it hasn't been touched in a year do you really need it around? There are some exceptions to this, ie. books, board games, and some movies. That's all I can think of right now and I'm sure there are others out there.

Friday, March 13, 2009

yeah, yeah, yeah

I felt tired and blah throughout most of today. I got three loads of laundry done (yuck), the bathroom scrubbed swept and mopped, supper cooked (bbq ribs, julienne potatoes from scratch, peas, and strawberries cut and put in sugar, homemade pound cake), the living room picked up like three times, changed Mom & Dad's sheets, and that's about it. My heart just wasn't in it today. I was aggravated most of the day and it just kept on coming. I'm not exactly sure what I was aggravated about, just aggravated. In the words of Taj George: I was hot! Mad at noone in particular just mad. Ugh, whatever.

I have this addiction to facebook's myfarm. It was a shared addiction until a friend of mine quit on me yesterday...she also quit our Dr. Pepper addiction too....what's up with that??? lol

So tomorrow I guess I will have to do more laundry and clean those areas of the house that I have not done yet. I need to do some windows, walls, blah blah blah, but I won't. I'm waiting until I can air out the house for that. When it's warm but not too warm. The windows will be open and I will be comfortable in an old pair of jeans and a long sleeve tee. Yep that's when.

My Dad had surgery this past Wednesday. He has had a hernia for about 3-4 years now and finally got it operated on. He did great, but couldn't pee the next day. So, he had to be admitted into observation until he did pee which was the very next morning like at 6. So then he came home. He's been a better patient than expected while recooperating. I expected him to not follow doctor's orders and do things he should not. While he would never say it, I think he misses being able to rough house with Cody and pick up Austin. I know Austin misses it as he screams and cries everytime Dad leaves a room.

I think that we are pretty convinced that homeschooling is the way to go, although, what I am considering is not really homeschooling. I'm really really looking at the Ohio Virtual Academy. It is a public school done over the internet. Cody has had his makeup work this week and is doing pretty darn good at staying on task even with all the commotion that is Austin. Eric seems to be backing me up on it now and that not only surprises me but is an awesome surprise. We tend to disagree on most things when it comes to the boys. Different upbringings bring different views to the table. We are trying to mesh our childhoods to make the perfect childhood for our kids with moderate success. At least I feel like it we are successful. We still get the occasional comment (ie. Well when I was raising ____ I did this and it is best....etc). We are searching for our "best".

While I was reading a passage in my Bible the other day, a childhood song came to me. It was the (I'm not sure of the name):

My b-i-b-l-e, yes that's the book for me
I stand alone on the word of God
My b-i-b-l-e, BIBLE!

I don't really know why it came to me but it did. And then that one turned into the:

I am a c-h
I am a c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n
And I have C-h-r-i-s-t
In my h-e-a-r-t
And I will L-o-v-e him e-t-e-r-n-a-l-l-y
(and then you repeat until it's so fast you can't spell out the words anymore)

Anyway not that any of you wanted to know that but I was back there in my bedroom singing these kid songs to myself. Well and Austin who was looking at me like I was crazy.

We had budgeted to fix our truck with our income tax return. Well we went over budget. We have already replaced the u-joints in the fall and now the upper and lower ball joints on both sides were bad, so we fixed those and then had to get it aligned immediately afterwards or it would do no good to fix it. Then we got the call from the alignment company that said that they wouldn't align it if we didn't fix the tie-rod ends and the pitman arms. UGH!!! So now all we have to do is buy an air conditioner condenser and get the freon charged in it. There goes another couple hundred I'm sure. Eric bought a flatbed for his S-10 and while putting it on by himself discovered that his shocks were really bad so he had to go buy those (another $50). Geesh!! Cars are so much upkeep, I'm thinking the Amish have the right idea with the horse and buggies. Eventually the Dodge will need new tires too because the ball joints were so bad for so long it wore our new tires in a bad way. BLAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Oh well, those vehicles should last us a good long while now. Keep your fingers crossed and we will keep praying.

The realtor called today and showed our house today. Hopefully the couple will put in a bid. They seemed to really like it. I hope so that would help tremendously with our stress levels cause it's not looking good right now. We'll see!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another point for homeschooling and so on...

I found out through a friend that Cody's teacher has been talking about the students to other parents. Let me first tell you that in Cody's school there is a "student of the month" program wherein the students of the month get to go to lunch at McDonald's with the principal. My child is no angel as we have previously discussed but he is not bad either. The friend's child has only had to move his crayon 1 time mind you. I said all that to say this: The teacher sat there with my friend (she volunteers in the classrooms to help out the teachers) and said "As the year goes on it's getting harder and harder to find a student of the month, I wish I could just pick my 'favorites' over and over." Can you believe that crap! I haven't had the parent-teachers conferences yet due to Cody's surgery but I do believe that she is going to hear AND see me at those conferences. I am so mad. First of all, you can't have favorites and if you do, DON'T say it to another parent whose child has not been picked and apparently NOT your favorite. Second of all, pay attention and watch your class. Those being picked 3 out of 4 in the past two months are the same kids that are bullying the other kids in the classroom, playground, and at lunch. Homeschooling here I come with open arms!!!!!!!!

I'm just tired of leaving my child's education up to people who are nothing more than overgrown teenagers!

Cody is doing exceptionally well! We had a couple of scares this past week. We had to call Children's Thursday night due to some "white veins" in the roof of Cody's mouth. Children's had me call the surgeon on call and he said he thought it was probably thrush from the antibiotic they gave him. So we stopped the antibiotic and gave him some of Austin's Nystatin. Did the trick and cleared right up. It's so hard to keep an adhd kid calm and laying around. He watches movies and plays his video games for the most part. I have to go to the school and pick up his work tomorrow and then he'll have something to do. We also bought some thank-you notes for him to send out. They are really cute with lines inside that are good for children to write know the wide lines with the dashes down middle? So we'll probably do that tomorrow or Wednesday. Thursday we head back to the surgeon's office for a followup appointment.

Austin is doing...well he's doing! This child is so ornery. He doesn't mind that you tell him no in fact he doesn't care at all. He laughs! He definitely is keeping us on our toes to say the LEAST!! lol. I am glad he has spirit. At least, that's what I keep telling

With what looks like spring coming, I fancy taking up some jogging. We'll see. I doubt it. lol At least I am being honest with

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cody's Surgery

Cody had his surgery yesterday! He was wonderful. The hospital was fantastic. The doctor while a little hard to understand his english is absolutely in the right field, working with kids. The surgery lasted about 20 minutes. I think it was the longest 20 minutes of my life, but, only 20 minutes.

Cody did good. He didn't cry like the other kids when they took him out of the room, away from us. He didn't cry when they brought him back in. He woke up good and told the nurses "Thank You" after they said they took out his tonsills and adenoids. They also had to take out his right front tooth (it was really loose). They were afraid that it would come out with the breathing tube in and he would swallow it. They were going to keep it and Eric said "uh can we have that back?" The doctor went and got it himself... Cody was a little ticked off that they removed it. He said he felt like a dork without it. Hence, he wouldn't work it to get it Poor kid, didn't want to look like a dork. The nurses said that Cody was the best patient and that he was absolutely the most polite patient they ever had. He was always saying please and thank you. Yes ma'am and no ma'am. While this is my kid, and I knew this stuff, it was really nice to have strangers telling you that you're kid is awesome. Of course, they all were going on and on about how handsome he is....something I've known for almost 7 years now.

We had a rough evening starting with a stop off at Eric's Mom's house (she couldn't be at the surgery). She had a surprise for him and he went in to get it but wanted to stay the night....ummm NO! lol. I wasn't about to let him out of my sight. Not that she wouldn't take good care of him, but, I wanted to be there. lol. Then when we got home he was hungry but refused to eat anything on the list. So, I called the hospital and asked for some tips. They said he could have mac n cheese if it wasn't hot...this was one of the things he wanted. But most of all he wanted tacos. That's what we are going to have for supper tonight. He's allowed to eat as long as I don't make it too spicy. No problem. lol He started bleeding again (just a little). But we finally got him to eat some applesauce and a little of a popsicle and it stopped the bleeding. I've never seen a kid that didn't want a popsicle. So weird, my kids are.

I have been a busy girl today. I cleaned the kitchen-swept & mopped, the living room-vacuumed, the bathroom-swept and mopped, and I have done 4 loads of laundry already with about four more to go...Oh the incessant laundry routine. I loathe doing laundry.

I'd like to get some work done in our bedroom and take a load of crap to storage. I don't know if I will get that far or

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This busy busy week!

So we have a challenging week ahead of us this first week of March (hurry up spring).

Monday-We have a chiropractor appointment (with the most amazing chiropractor) in Marysville. We will leave there and go to a friends home to pick up some items that she is graciously giving us in Chillicothe, then we're off to the bank, then to pick up Cody from school.

Tuesday-We are getting up early and heading to Dayton. We are going to walk the mall, hang out, eat lunch @ Chuck E. Cheeses (I have coupons), then we're headed to the hotel where we will be staying pre-surgery and swim, swim, swim. This day is dedicated to keeping Cody's mind off the surgery!

Wednesday-Surgery Day. We are getting up early, taking Cody to the hospital (Children's), we have to be there at 7:20 a.m. and his surgery is at 9:55, then the procedure takes 30-45 minutes, he will be 1 hour in recovery, then moved to a pre-op room (fully equipped with dvd players and a PLAYSTATION 2), he will be in this room for 2 hours to watch for bleeding. Then released to go home.

Thursday-Is probably going to be a really trying day. Cody will be in a lot of pain and I'm not sure if he will be able to swallow his adhd meds. That's not a huge deal I just hope that he's not in a horrific amount of pain.

Friday-Cody should be able to swallow the ice cream that we bought for him. Before that he is strictly juices and popsicles. He also requested some cottage cheese when he's able to eat it.

So that is our week busy busy busy. I'm trying to have a really positive outlook. His doctor literally does like 100 of these a week, but, it's the first surgery that Cody has ever had and while Eric thinks that I'm nuts, I'm scared! My baby boy is going under anesthetic and it's scary! Eric insists that it's not a big deal (he's had his out as a child and doesn't remember any special treatment) and that we are baby-ing him too much. I say anytime ANYONE goes under anesthetic it's a big deal. I'm not going to post my what-ifs on here, but, I am trying really hard to give my worries to God and let him take care of me, but, this is a hard task for a worry-wart (especially when it comes to my kids) like me.

Other than that, we got back our income tax this week so we have already paid off some bills and some more are on the way. We set up a budget for our refund this year. So much goes to bills (the majority-lemme tell ya), then we are fixing the Dodge, and other than that we are taking $390 and buying season passes to King's Island! Cody has to buy an adult ticket this year (he's over 48" tall). I'm so excited! To be honest, I'm already looking forward to Hauntfest! We had such a blast last year on our free tickets to the hauntfest that I would really like to go more than once this year and not wait until 10 p.m. to leave to go there! lol

There was talk today of our garden and what all we want in it and what we're going to can. My Aunt and Uncle are using Mom & Dad's garden too this year (they live on a hill in the woods and no room for a garden). Previous years we would just give them some stuff and they would help can it etc. Mom told everyone this year that if they want stuff from the garden they need to help "in" the So we have confirmed two more helpers. We buy our canned food items from Save-A-Lot and they raised their prices 30 cents recently and we have decided that, that is unacceptable. It's getting to the point where noone is going to be able to afford to eat anymore. This economy is crazy. We are planning on loading up the garden and actually living off our own land. Some say that in ancient times, this was the only way you could survive. lol j/k

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cody's Surgery!

So it happened! Cody had his consult with the surgeon today. They are taking out his tonsils and adenoids next Wednesday. While I was hoping it wouldn't be like weeks from now I wasn't expecting it to be next Wednesday. I'm so scared, but, I know that it needs to happen. When I told the doctor that he had tonsillitis 4 times in 3 months he was like woah! So he said definitely we are going to take care of that. The Dayton Head and Neck office in their Englewood office has THE nicest staff ever! I have never been to a doctor's office where at least one person isn't grumpy or whatever and there wasn't ONE person there. They were so friendly and did everything that they could to help and answered ALL our questions without getting annoyed. It was so refreshing to be able to take your time and ask your questions. Cody's a little scared but they gave him a comic book that explains the whole procedure kid he thinks they are putting a space ship down his throat lol.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Okay so if you don't have one of these GET ONE! This is like the best kitchen gadget ever! It basically breaks up the hamburger etc. when you are browning it. I made chili tonight for supper and I also made some garbage dip too. It's a really simple recipe and it tastes so YUMMY! Anyways you can get this wonderful tool at

Other than that not too much happened today. I cleaned up the house a bit. Austin had a biter biscuit and cheetos so he had to have a midday bath. That's something I usually do in the early evenings but he was soooooo gross. About 20 minutes after his bath I had let Wrex out and he got all muddy playing with Moosehead. So after I put Austin down for his nap I had to give Wrex a bath. He does really well however he weighs like 200 lbs. He's a huge yellow lab and it's all I can do to lift his front paws into the tub. So my back hurts and we decided to play some cards after supper tonight. Other than that nothing...I have such a boring life.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

what's up?

There is not much to say really. Mom has finally gotten a diagnosis after three years of waiting and being sick. She has neuro-mediated hypotension. It's sort of a heart condition that affects you're brain sort of. It's like that feeling when you stand up too fast? It also is linked with fibromyalgia. So that explains a lot of her pain and stuff. Hopefully now they will get a remedy of medicines that will work and help her lead a semi-normal life. This is a highly genetic disorder. Good luck to me I guess....

The boys are doing fine. Austin now has two budding teeth. The two bottom in the front. Cody however has two loose teeth. On is his front right tooth and the other is a bottom left canine, or the tooth beside that. He's doing pretty good at school and stuff. His academics are superior but his behavior is still a little stuggle. He fights every day really hard to just be calm in class. Ergo my constant battle of my mind with homeschooling. Geesh I'm redundant. I can't help it. I think about it constantly and it torments me. I find myself unable to fall asleep as easily as usual because I can't quit thinking that maybe he will be better off if I do it. UGH! I don't know.

Eric and I are good. There is a funny story about our first trip to Menard's here in the big ol town of Chillicothe. I'm NOT telling that story but let's just say we were given a free gift for going to the store. Don't ask what it was. hahaha There is a rocking ceiling fan there though. We will have it.

Valentine's Day was a bust. We really didn't have any money to do anything special or anything. In fact I think the last time we did do anything special for each other was like 3-4 years ago. I usually get a rose but it was out of the question this year. We were able to get the boys something small. Austin sort of grabbed a valentine's cheetah and so we let him get that. He throws it around with a "mean" expression on his We got Cody a card and a small box of chocolates. He didn't like the chocolates but when he read the card I thought he was going to cry. Then he smiled really big and said aww thanks guys. He has such a huge heart. He's an awesome little boy with many insights into life and he's a great kid.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Congratulations to Cody!!

Cody won first place for his valentine's box. We were so proud of him. Most of his votes came from the boys in his class. Not a real shocker there. But even the ones that are mean to him on occasion voted for him. The teacher was amused by their voting system and said that next time she will keep whose project it is a secret.

Austin's bottom right tooth has FINALLY popped through. He thinks it's funny. I think Ouch! I have been sticking my fingers in their so that I can feel it like ever 10 Just want to make sure it's here to stay this time lol. So it's official on February 12, 2009 Austin got his first tooth. I can't wait to see his toothy grin.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Mailbox

So we (as in Eric & Cody) made Cody's Valentine mailbox tonight. It's very cute. It is so hard to find good ideas for boys in this subject. I think it's ridiculous that it's THAT hard. I am a very creative person and I just was pretty much stumped. I had a lot of good ideas but they were all a little girly. At least according to Eric, Cody and my Dad they This is what we came up with. It's freaking awesome! It sorta looks like the truck is hauling some dirt. In order for Cody to "get" his valentines he has to dump out the "dirt"! Cody thinks it's awesome and Eric is thrilled that it's a dumptruck considering that is his profession!

The day of the tornado watch there was an awesome double rainbow outside the house. We couldn't really capture the double part of it but we did get some good shots of it.

I thought these were beautiful...not really great pictures but beautiful all the same!


Okay so I was told I am slacking and that I need to blog everyday, however, that's NOT going to happen with two kids.

Nothing much is going on here. Yesterday, I cleaned the house, baked cookies, gave the boys a bath, and chased the cat. Yes I did chase the cat because the cat was using a box in the computer room as a litter box and somebody had to take the cat to HIS litter While I was feeling very accomplished yesterday I was also a little freaked out. There are few things that I can say that I am truly afraid of. My major fear is a tornado. With all the warnings and being put under a tornado watch FREAKED me out. I have no idea where this fear came from. I was raised that the weather was nothing to fear. We lived through a tornado when we lived in Georgia. I was three and have no recollection of this tornado so I don't think that is why I am afraid of them. With the high winds at bedtime last night Cody had a hard time falling asleep and eventually we let him move to the couch and fall asleep there. Then I carried him to his bed and he slept through the night. I also went yesterday and picked him up from school as soon as I heard that we were under a watch. I know that a "watch" is just that the conditions are likely for a tornado but I didn't want him all the way at the school in case we did have a tornado. If I'm going to die in a tornado I want my family with me where I can do whatever I can to protect my boys. That's another good point to homeschooling, right? Okay so I have been pushing for the homeschooling thing and while I am most convinced that this is the best option, I think, that Eric is still only so-so with it. My goal is to change his mind. I asked God what to do and am waiting patiently for my answer. This is nothing that needs to be decided right at this instant so I am ready to wait. I figure He will let me know when I'm ready to hear his answer.

Other than that nothing much going on, cleaning, laundry (always), and making food (always) I have recently came into contact with a few people from my past that I haven't talked to in a long while. I like myspace so much better than facebook, but, alot of people that don't have myspace have facebook. Yesterday I was talking to a friend from highschool and we were noticing how easy it is to forget to make time for old friends, etc.. While I hate losing contact with people, it IS really hard to make time to not lose contact. Everyone has their own day to day trials and tribulations and it's easy to let it consume your life. I'm trying to not let that happen and hopefully with modern technology a simple hey how ya doing won't be so hard.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Doctor's Office

Today I ended up calling Cody into school because he spent the night at Eric's Mom's house and she called Sunday and said he had a temperature of 102.2. So he had a doctor appointment tomorrow anyway to do a check-up on his adhd medicine. Which he is doing wonderful on for now. Tonsillitis again! That makes four times in three months. Usually, stupid insurance companies, make you have it 6 times in one year. Well Cody is already at four times so the doctor said to go ahead and get them taken out today. So we have an appointment on February 24th at the ENT doctor's office in Dayton.

Yesterday's "to-do" list has sat there and only has the first three things done on it. However, I did make my husband some no-bake cookies. They usually for some reason on another do not set up and this time they set up and were wonderful!!!

So I'm still thinking about the whole home schooling thing. I know you guys are sick of hearing about it but I don't care. It's something that I think about and pray about on a daily basis. I just am really really not sure. I'm very confused. I just don't know what to do about it. As a mother, you just want what's best for your children and sometimes I hate having to make those decisions. What if home schooling is not what's best, but, what if traditional schooling is not what's best???


Sunday, February 8, 2009


So Cody had a really good week at school. Green dots all week long. I know that he tries very hard all week. He usually gets a reward after he's been having trouble at school. We're working on a compromise for a reward. He came home with some paperwork for a Disney Character Program. Yay us we get to rent a costume for like one night. That part irritates the crap out of me. I can't wait to see him in a program I just think that if the school can't provide the costumes or parent's help make the costumes that they should pick a different theme. They are willing to help provide Tinkerbell costumes, Cinderella, etc...but not one is for a boy. He also brought home paperwork on Friday telling us when his Valentine's Party is and what all he needs to have done by Friday. So we will be working on his Valentine box. Last year we went WAY overboard. Hobby Lobby convinced Mommy that we needed to buy too much stuff and ended up Mommy was hotgluing...etc. Cody did most of the box...but...ya know he was the only one that didn't have a "shoebox". lol What can I say I like

Yesterday we went over to my mother-in-law's house to watch the Budshootout. There were only 25 racers so that made it nice...not so much congestion on the track. We are avid Matt Kenseth fans (#17). Karen and Jason (Eric's sister and her husband) are avid Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans (#88), and Cathy (Eric's Mom) is an avid Kasey Kahne fan (#9), so needless to say racedays are interesting. All of our drivers led the race at one point or another. There were a couple of wrecks that did some damage. To be honest I don't remember where Kasey Kahne finished or Dale Jr. either for that matter. Kenseth finished 9th! That was after a rear tire went flat and he had to go to the pits. Dale Jr. was in a wreck on the last lap and I'm not sure if he got to finish at all. So of course, Eric and I, are in the mindset of oh well at least our driver's all in good fun. We had some yummy food and pretty much ate all night long off and on. I just now realized that I didn't get a cupcake daggonit. I was going to but then Austin went to sleep on me. Literally on me. Let me say this, that boy conked out last night. I put him in the carseat, strapped him in, and we left. Then when we got home I left him in the seat so I could go to the bathroom. He stayed asleep and I took him out of the carseat and put him in bed and he stayed there until like 4:00 a.m. and then I just put him in bed with us. However, that turd won't let me sleep in to save my soul. 7:30 a.m. is for getting up around here. YUCK!!! lol

We have really nothing to do today and even if we did no money to do it with. Cody spent the night with Cathy and Garry and should be home around 3 or 4. On my to do list today are:
  1. Blogging (check)
  2. Cleaning up the house
  3. Boys need a bath
  4. Getting rid of some clutter
  5. Organizing the bills
  6. Painting my toes

I wonder how much I will get done? Probably the first Which means I only have two more to

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunday and so forth

So, okay, Sunday I got like NO sleep. Austin was up from 2-6a.m. By up I mean WIDE awake. He just didn't sleep at all. I don't know why. He wasn't fussy or crying or anything. Anyway, I got up and I made a "thanksgiving" dinner. Jacob (my brother) & his wife Derya came down from Columbus and beings that all of Pike County was out of electric due to the storm, my great-grandma was spending a few nights with us as well. I made turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, corn casserole, heavenly ambrosia (heavenly hash), tapioca pudding from scratch, green bean casserole, rolls, and two pumpkin pies. My pumpkin pies were amazing. I have somehow grown up and never made them as weird as that sounds. They were picture perfect so I took a picture.
Anyway, Cody had to go to school Monday and boy oh boy was he mad. And I quote "school is lame". This is coming from a kid that since the age of 3 has begged to go to school. I am so upset by this. My little boy has always loved to learn. I feel like he has been robbed of his love of learning. Okay, so it sounds stupid when I type it but that's how I feel. It just makes me lean more towards homeschooling everyday. I have checked into a website that is a public school that I really like you can see it here I also checked out another site that I was not impressed with The second link doesn't have any extra classes (music, art, etc.). I don't know it's just something to think about.
Okay so today, I hosted one of those jewelry parties for Lia Sophia. I invited 30 people. The reason I did that was to get a gift, so I knew not everyone was going to show up. However, I was expecting more than 7 people (including my Mom who LIVES here) to show up. As of right now I get $40 in free jewelry. WHEEE go me. I was so disappointed. I am not doing anything again. I am so SICK of planning and preparing for things like this and people just don't show up. I realize that these are trying times for everyone so I get it. But, I didn't say they had to buy anything. I thought it would be fun. Guess I was wrong. I told Eric I would do Austin's 1st birthday party and then no more. We will disappear. I am just sick and tired of it. I will plan NOTHING again. It's not worth my time or energy. Well I can't say that I won't plan anything. One of the few people that did show up wants me to plan a baby shower for her first grandchild so I will do that. Hopefully there will be more people show up. The thing that bothers me the most is that I do my best to go to everyone else's stuff. The only time that I don't is if my boys are sick or Eric is. I go to everything it seems like. I quit! Here is my two weeks, and, by the way I will not be working my last two weeks.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Today I did 3 loads of laundry....only after a 2 day break from doing laundry. Seriously, where do these clothes come from? 2 days ago I had all the laundry in the house done, blankets, bags, new shirts, etc. How is there 5 loads that need to be done today ready? I loathe laundry I think. Dad says: "I will start doing your mom and mine laundry". I say 2 more people doesn't break the laundry It almost seems as though it would be a waste anyway. I think it would be a waste of water, soap, etc. Plus, then we would have like what scheduled laundry days?? Not worth it, just pile it in, I will take care of it.

I also swept the kitchen floor, vacuumed the house, cleaned the kitchen, peeled potatoes, took a shower, and went to a viewing of a dear friend of mines. Jessi's grandmother took her place in the Lord's household last week and her viewing was today. It was a nice viewing with people telling tales of the good ol' days. I met a really nice preacher (he wasn't really a preacher) today. All dressed up and ready to go. I also was hit on by a 7 year old and an elderly man that wanted the 7 year old to find him a I didn't bite do to the fact that I walked in on said elderly man patting other women's butts. lol. All jokes aside, I feel bad for the family. The pain on their faces was enough to jerk your heart out. I mostly hung out with the kids. They found me entertaining and I was slowing them down from running, screaming, and well hitting each other. Or at least I tried. I found it really nice that Jessi's work sent flowers. It's comforting to know that a growing business found time to honor their employee like that.

So I was all dressed up today. Couldn't really go to a viewing in sweatpants and a sweatshirt and all. It felt really good to get dressed up like that. I was talking about it with some people and said I always feel good all dressed up but I hate doing it. Does that make any sense? If I like it why don't I do it more often? I blame it on being a country girl. That's no excuse but at least I ain't to

Cody, Eric, my 2 cousins, and Dad went sledding on the hill across the road while I was gone. A good time was had by all. I walked in the door at about 7:40, Austin was asleep (I was like whaat?) and fed. Apparently he hit a growing spurt today and ate and ate and ate, with little to no spit up or other bodily functions (of the ucky nature). He's getting to be such a big boy. He has pretty much weaned himself off the bottle and formula. The bottle, I say more power to ya little one, the formula has me a little worried. I feel like he NEEDS those vitamins. So I put in a call to the doctor yesterday. They weren' THAT worried about it. Just said to keep offering it to him in a sippy cup and if he takes it great and if he doesn't that's okay too. I feel like Johnny 5 though, need more input. Do you remember that movie? Short Circuit? It's so 80's. I loved when he read the phone book in like 3 seconds. I always wanted to be able to do that. I don't know why.

Well I am done rambling for now. I think.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


After all that griping I did in my last blog, Cody went SLEDDING!!! It was so fun. Eric took us across the road in the cow pasture and we had a BLAST!!! I couldn't tell you how many times we went down the hill. Cody was loving it! This is really the first year he was in to it. We raced and went down one at a was awesome. Let this be known.....Eric does NOT race fair when it comes to sledding. He hurries up before you say go and goes down the hill. I won cause he cheated AND I went farther down the hill than he did. Cody says...well you guys BOTH won...I was like WHAT???? lol. Then when Eric and Cody raced, Eric cheated, Cody rammed into the back of he says I lose...but you cheated so I win. It was so fun. Mom and Dad watched Austin for us. We were gone for about 1 1/2 hours. It was so much fun. I can't wait to go tomorrow. Maybe I will remember to take the camera and get some snapshots of us. Oh yeah, and by the way every time I went down the hill I yelled WOOHOO. It was comical. Then I did, not 1 but 2 running and jumping on the sled as I vamoosed down the hill. Hence, I have a huge bruise on my right knee that I did not know existed until I went to bend my knee and it

Snow Snow Snow

There is a lot of snow out there. Not compared to other places in Ohio. Funny how the bulk of the storms always seems to miss us. Although, we do have quite a few inches out there. It makes me wonder if Cody will have school tomorrow or not. We haven't seen any ODOT trucks today, yesterday they were coming by about every hour, today, not so much. Cody has a "bag" packed in case we lose electricity....and I guess go under attack. lol. The things this kid comes up with. Austin likes to watch the snow but other than that he really hasn't had contact yet. He doesn't have a snow suit as I could not find one that would fit his scrawny butt. They're all just the snow bags or whatever.

Today is the viewing of a close friends' grandmother. I had every intention on going, but, with this snow I'm afraid it won't stop in enough time. As of right now, we can't see the neighbors trees or the curve in the road. We've ALWAYS been at least able to see the curve no matter what.

With this snow and the thick layer of ice after the first snow it should be some good sledding if I can drag Cody out there to sled with me. I don't know if I'll be able to get him out there or not. The kids these days aren't like when I grew up. If they canceled school we were outside by 9:00 a.m. Cody says it's too cold yesterday. I don't know about them. What happened? Where did the yearning to be outside and stuff go? I know it's not just my kid. I've talked to other parents and it's not. However, in the summer Cody is WAY more likely to go outside. Especially if there is a pool available. I just remember growing up when I woke up and had breakfast it was outside until dark, except to eat and go to the bathroom. I guess it's laziness??? It just really makes me wonder. Anyway, these are just things I think of from time to time.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Update on Dad

Dad came home from the hospital today. It was definitely pneumonia. It settled down in his right lung. He has some antibiotics and another chest x-ray next week and hopefully a ct scan. They want to make sure that the pneumonia is not masking something else (IE. cancer). Hopefully not. He also came home, to my surprise, with no smoking pills. I was really shocked. Of everyone to quit smoking I never thought it would be him. Slow down after this sure, but not quit.

Cody and Dad did some more bonding tonight by playing Lincoln Logs. Cody had a set and received another one for Christmas this year so he finally had enough logs this time to build more than one building. It made me long for an old set. The new sets come with plastic roofs that limit your building ability. Whereas the old ones accommodated the roofs to include long or short ones or no roofs at all. Dad said that maybe it was to stop catapulting...I don't know I just know it kinda sucks.

Cody & Dad talking about it.

Cody & Dad making blueprints.

SnotRod's Garage & Wash

Austin is soooo going to be my problem child. He has such attitude at such a young age. He literally yells at me (well more like a growl really). It's funny, yet not funny. I dread the upcoming years. Makes me think about when he is a teenager if he will still have attitude....yuck I hope He is such a wallower. He wallows me to death. It seems like sometimes that he has to be touching me at all times. It's cute yet annoying. He also started making the kissing noise today. It was so awesome. He's growing up so much. I want him to be little forever.

Austin laying on my feet.

Eric and I are still really good. It's amazing how strong our marriage is. It seem indestructible. I am so glad that he is my husband and my children's father. I was at a birthday party this past week and I was the only who was happy in her marriage there. I was almost made to feel left out or ashamed that we have a good marriage. I didn't feel that way, I felt proud mostly, but, it was a little disturbing. Then I realized when I looked around the room that maybe due to circumstances I was a little more mature than the people there. I didn't care though. I just will have to be more careful about the surroundings that I allow myself to be in. Thankfully, Eric watched the kids for me so it was a nice break.