I felt tired and blah throughout most of today. I got three loads of laundry done (yuck), the bathroom scrubbed swept and mopped, supper cooked (bbq ribs, julienne potatoes from scratch, peas, and strawberries cut and put in sugar, homemade pound cake), the living room picked up like three times, changed Mom & Dad's sheets, and that's about it. My heart just wasn't in it today. I was aggravated most of the day and it just kept on coming. I'm not exactly sure what I was aggravated about, just aggravated. In the words of Taj George: I was hot! Mad at noone in particular just mad. Ugh, whatever.
I have this addiction to facebook's myfarm. It was a shared addiction until a friend of mine quit on me yesterday...she also quit our Dr. Pepper addiction too....what's up with that??? lol
So tomorrow I guess I will have to do more laundry and clean those areas of the house that I have not done yet. I need to do some windows, walls, blah blah blah, but I won't. I'm waiting until I can air out the house for that. When it's warm but not too warm. The windows will be open and I will be comfortable in an old pair of jeans and a long sleeve tee. Yep that's when.
My Dad had surgery this past Wednesday. He has had a hernia for about 3-4 years now and finally got it operated on. He did great, but couldn't pee the next day. So, he had to be admitted into observation until he did pee which was the very next morning like at 6. So then he came home. He's been a better patient than expected while recooperating. I expected him to not follow doctor's orders and do things he should not. While he would never say it, I think he misses being able to rough house with Cody and pick up Austin. I know Austin misses it as he screams and cries everytime Dad leaves a room.
I think that we are pretty convinced that homeschooling is the way to go, although, what I am considering is not really homeschooling. I'm really really looking at the Ohio Virtual Academy. It is a public school done over the internet. Cody has had his makeup work this week and is doing pretty darn good at staying on task even with all the commotion that is Austin. Eric seems to be backing me up on it now and that not only surprises me but is an awesome surprise. We tend to disagree on most things when it comes to the boys. Different upbringings bring different views to the table. We are trying to mesh our childhoods to make the perfect childhood for our kids with moderate success. At least I feel like it we are successful. We still get the occasional comment (ie. Well when I was raising ____ I did this and it is best....etc). We are searching for our "best".
While I was reading a passage in my Bible the other day, a childhood song came to me. It was the (I'm not sure of the name):
My b-i-b-l-e, yes that's the book for me
I stand alone on the word of God
My b-i-b-l-e, BIBLE!
I don't really know why it came to me but it did. And then that one turned into the:
I am a c-h
I am a c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n
And I have C-h-r-i-s-t
In my h-e-a-r-t
And I will L-o-v-e him e-t-e-r-n-a-l-l-y
(and then you repeat until it's so fast you can't spell out the words anymore)
Anyway not that any of you wanted to know that but I was back there in my bedroom singing these kid songs to myself. Well and Austin who was looking at me like I was crazy.
We had budgeted to fix our truck with our income tax return. Well we went over budget. We have already replaced the u-joints in the fall and now the upper and lower ball joints on both sides were bad, so we fixed those and then had to get it aligned immediately afterwards or it would do no good to fix it. Then we got the call from the alignment company that said that they wouldn't align it if we didn't fix the tie-rod ends and the pitman arms. UGH!!! So now all we have to do is buy an air conditioner condenser and get the freon charged in it. There goes another couple hundred I'm sure. Eric bought a flatbed for his S-10 and while putting it on by himself discovered that his shocks were really bad so he had to go buy those (another $50). Geesh!! Cars are so much upkeep, I'm thinking the Amish have the right idea with the horse and buggies. Eventually the Dodge will need new tires too because the ball joints were so bad for so long it wore our new tires in a bad way. BLAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Oh well, those vehicles should last us a good long while now. Keep your fingers crossed and we will keep praying.
The realtor called today and showed our house today. Hopefully the couple will put in a bid. They seemed to really like it. I hope so that would help tremendously with our stress levels cause it's not looking good right now. We'll see!